Rez Moss
Digital Reflections: Exploring Tech, Innovation & Ideas
The Procrastination Panic: Why Procrastinating on Goals Can Make Them Seem So Daunting or Even Impossible at Times
Aug 2021
“My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.” Charles Dickens Proc...
How Our Mind Affects Our Decision-Making Process
Jul 2021
Decisions, decisions, decisions—from the moment you decide to open your eyes after hearing your alarm in the morning ...
How Our Minds Work and How It Affects Our Decision-Making Process
Jul 2021
The human mind is a powerful and beautifully complex thing. Before we dive into learning how our minds work, it is im...
Effective Use of Go's Built-in Maps
Jul 2021
Go’s built-in map type is a powerful and flexible data structure for storing key-value pairs. Understanding how t...
A complete guide on what is Average Handle Time (AHT)
Jun 2021
When we talk about the call centers, one of the most important things is the average handle time or the AHT. It is to...
Go's defer: Simplifying Resource Management
May 2021
The defer keyword in Go is a powerful feature that simplifies resource management and cleanup operations. It ensures th...
Go's init() Function: Uses and Best Practices
Mar 2021
The init() function in Go is a special function that’s automatically executed before the main() function. It serv...
Error Handling in Go: Best Practices and Patterns
Sep 2019
Error handling is a crucial aspect of writing robust and reliable Go programs. Unlike many other languages, Go takes a ...
Go Routines vs. Threads: Understanding the Difference
May 2018
In the world of concurrent programming, Go routines and threads are both powerful tools for executing multiple tasks si...
Understanding Callbacks in Node.js
Aug 2017
Callbacks are a fundamental concept in Node.js, essential for handling asynchronous operations. They are functions pass...
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